Personal Learning Challenge Update – Post #3

This week has gone much better than last week and has gone according (for the most part) to plan! I trained 3 days this week (Thursday, Friday, Saturday) and felt a lot better mentally and physically than my training sessions last week due to me not being sick this time. Although, I am finding it a little challenging to fit my normal workout routine with this as my muscle-up training sessions takes around 45 minutes, and by the end of it I am quite tired. On the other hand, I know if I complete my normal workout routine before, my energy level will be quite low for the muscle-up training routine. So, one of my goals for this week is to get a little better at managing time in order to incorporate both of my routines into my week, definitely cant skip leg day that’s for sure! Additionally, I noticed that starting my routines on Thursday and causing a big gap between them is not the best idea, I want to keep the days between sessions at a maximum 3. So if I end one week with a session on Sunday, I need to get back by Wednesday latest. My body really hates resting when it comes to exercising, and I lose my “gains” quite quickly.


In regards to this weeks readings, one of the topics that stood out which is extremely relatable to my challenge is that the design of my plan, and any fitness-related plan, must be “sufficiently flexible to allow considerable customization to meet the educational needs..” [1]. When it comes to planning for a fitness goal, one must allow their overall design to be adaptable as they will learn about new exercises and techniques along the way, which is something I have already begun to experience. Social presence was another topic mentioned, and this “sets the environmental conditions for higher learning” [1]. In my situation, my social presence has been my fellow friends from my social circle and the gym that I have been conversing with about my muscle-up challenge. Through this, they have given me tips and advice, along with showing me in person proper form for certain exercises. I also find that when I talk out loud to people this helps me learn. Especially when the person I am talking to is deeply interested in the topic. Lastly, something I need to be aware of is to not incorporate any exercises into my specific routine that have nothing to do with training for a muscle-up. This is something that I believe I have done well with so far, and hope to keep up. In the readings it is mentioned to “avoid assignments and activities that are not central to the topic or are considered optional” [1].


Overall. I am excited for next weeks training and feel like I am on the right path!


Workout log update


References used for this blog



